Monster Media 1997 #17
Monster Media Number 17 (Monster Media)(January 1997).ISO
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File List
300 lines
3WAVE21.ZIP 505,847 10-06-96 Threewave Capture.
4ZOMBIES.ZIP 154,329 11-20-96 Zombies!
ADVQCC.ZIP 63,276 10-15-96 Advanced QCC v2.0. Improved rework of the
Quake compiler.
AMGOTHQ.ZIP 641,480 12-22-96 American Gothiquake v2.0. American Gothic
patch for Quake. Play at being Lucus Buck
- Watch out for Caleb, though. Sounds and
skins modifications.
ANTICAMP.ZIP 35,063 11-20-96 AntiCamper v1.0.
ASHSKIN.ZIP 83,882 11-20-96 Ash Texture.
BASMNT.ZIP 39,229 11-28-96 Basement - Small Deathmatch level for 2-5
BOMBS9.ZIP 164,211 11-19-96 Bombs9 - Wapon patch. Fully networkable
quakeC patch that enables 2 extra grenade
launcher modes and 2 extra rocket
launcher modes.
BORT22.ZIP 254,932 11-24-96 Bort's Quakec Mod v2.2.
BREAK007.ZIP 283,109 12-24-96 Break007 v1.0. Small but detailed
deathmatch level crushers. Good looking
AND fun to play.
BREAK008.ZIP 266,531 12-24-96 Break008 v1.0. Lava shrine, small
corridors, open areas etc. There are also
some hidden areas (look for them Without
noclip!), teleporter shortcuts and so on.
BTSKN22.ZIP 389,538 12-08-96 BotSkin (for Quake 1.06). Now includes
improved combat ai, fixed attack code,
all the death animations, bodies that
stay and MORE! Just added: Teamplay! Make
a team of bots and go head to head with
your HelperBots!
BUCKYBLS.ZIP 234,892 11-20-96 The Bucky Ball Gun.
BUUUH.ZIP 158,209 11-05-96 Scare to Death v0.9. Now you can scare
the other DM players to death.
CAMPKI1.ZIP 42,455 11-24-96 Camper-killer, Next-level Cycler.
CAPTFLAG.ZIP 16,191 11-20-96 Replacement skin for the player.mdl to be
used in the capture the flag games.
Eliminates the confusion that comes from
a player on blue team wearing a red shirt
and visa versa.
CHSMRPH.ZIP 148,242 11-20-96 ChaseCam.
CJB_KOM.ZIP 71,234 12-25-96 King of The Mountain. 2 or 3 player map.
Basically, it's a dual-level tall arena
with a cross of supports halfway up the
CLOUDLIT.ZIP 46,021 11-25-96 Atmospheric Lighting Effect based on a
concept by Imaginos.
CLOWN.ZIP 127,095 11-20-96 Clown Soldier.
CROSSME.ZIP 100,737 12-07-96 Quake Reg 1.01 or Hi: - Cross me
Deathmatch Only Map. Best With 3-5
Players. There is no Exit in This Level.
CUJGRAP.ZIP 549,429 12-22-96 Me and my Dog Cujo.
DARKBT01.ZIP 314,527 12-07-96 Dark Bot.
DETHCRSS.ZIP 171,915 11-28-96 Death Cross v1.0.
DM_STATS.ZIP 155,698 11-04-96 Death Match Stats v1.0. Provides more
information about who killed who in
Deathmatch games as it is with Descent
and Duke3D.
DPT106.ZIP 179,405 11-20-96 Deathmatch Power Toys.
DRUGQC.ZIP 6,651 11-20-96 Drugged player patch. Impulse 12 will
start the fun. Try to play quake on
nightmare now.
DTHMAP.ZIP 236,243 11-20-96 DeathMap. Has a wind tunnel, spike-
shooters, a collapsing bridge, and a
crusher. Also has two teleporters.Has an
original trap, which is easy enough to
escape though.
EBASE1.ZIP 47,708 12-07-96 Earthquake Base. Small Level like Qhenge
only with an Industrial setting. Great
fun in a Deathmatch with Bots.
EDM_V099.ZIP 7,263 11-24-96 Extra Deathmatch Modes Module.
EFXB2.ZIP 188,701 11-20-96 EFX-Quake v1.0b2 (Beta, Second release).
ELB_DM3.ZIP 4,899 11-14-96 The Abandoned Base.
ELDEN1.ZIP 367,675 11-06-96 Eldencross! Using Metal.Wad, with 23
ELO040.ZIP 74,263 11-20-96 Eloinz Quake Level Editor v0.40.
EL_DOTD.ZIP 270,158 11-24-96 Eliminator Does Death on The Docks. Dm
level aimed at 4-8 player games, now
compatible with the Eliminator Bot patch.
EL_KYSE3.ZIP 492,948 10-06-96 Kysenty3 map for the Eliminator Bot.
ETWORLD.ZIP 591,375 11-28-96 E.T.'s World. Mario-like single player
EVILWRLD.ZIP 536,891 11-26-96 EvilWorld 1.
FAKEIT09.ZIP 129,464 12-07-96 Fakeit.
FARTMAN.ZIP 246,186 11-26-96 FartMan.
FASTQCC.ZIP 153,938 11-18-96 The standard Qcc with a number of mods to
make it run faster. Mostly for Unix users.
FORNAX.ZIP 168,126 11-14-96 Fornax. Huge, tall building in which you
jump down floor to floor. A total of 7
floors. Great lighting effects.
FRAGYARD.ZIP 151,662 12-07-96 Fragyard.
FREDCAST.ZIP 208,573 11-20-96 FredCast. Deathmatch map - No exit Made
for lots of close combat.
FUNRUN.ZIP 227,024 11-20-96 FunRun.
FVF10.ZIP 142,861 11-24-96 Fantasy vs. Future Quake v1.0. 23
Different Weapons, 5 Player Classes, No
Messy Impulses.
GODELQC5.ZIP 269,249 11-19-96 Version 5 of the Godel Quake C Mods.
GREATGIB.ZIP 125,296 11-20-96 Gore Quake. Do you wish Quake was more
gory? Well this Quake-C patch is your
answer. This make gibs fly all over the
GUIDEMIS.ZIP 241,454 10-06-96 Guided Missiles v1.0.
HALLOW02.ZIP 96,145 11-03-96 Hallowed Ground.
HOMEFIX.ZIP 129,062 12-22-96 Selectable Homing Missile Fix. I really
enjoyed Vhold's Homing missile patch (it
made me want to own patches). But I
wanted to disable it in deathmatch
JPACK11.ZIP 20,464 11-20-96 Jetpack v1.1.
JQL.ZIP 147,260 10-13-96 John's Quake Launcher v1.0 for Win95.
KUAQE2.ZIP 268,873 10-14-96 Combo Patch - Combines: A Flashlight
(Impulse 12), A Laser Targeting System
(Impulse 13), A Chase Camera (Impulse
14), A Flare Gun (impulse 15), A Monster
Remover (Impulse 16), Player Footstep
Sound (Impulse 17), more.
LAZSIGHT.ZIP 267,267 10-28-96 Laser Sight v1.0. Adds a laser sight to
all Quake Weapons.
MANGAB.ZIP 280,688 12-07-96 Manga Babe Monster.
MAPENT.ZIP 7,473 10-15-96 Quake .bsp entity mapper. Extracts a list
of all entities from a .bsp file into a
text file for easy editing and map
rebuilding via "qbsp -onlyents".
MAP_ED1.ZIP 171,494 10-14-96 Map Edit Pro.
MARTIM3.ZIP 210,850 12-08-96 Deathmatch Competition '96. Specially
designed to kill and kill and kill and so
on. It's a perfect Deathmatch level for
two players, but three or more works fine.
MEDDLE16.ZIP 183,850 10-06-96 Meddle v1.6.
MILFOUR.ZIP 49,973 10-14-96 The Quad-sectioned Military Door.
MIPIDX1.ZIP 146,560 10-16-96 Miptexture indexer v1.1a. Generates a
WAD2 from your Quake files, whether
you've unpacked your PAKs or not. It does
not duplicate miptextures in the WAD2. It
can use other WAD2s as source material.
MIX97.ZIP 609,198 11-20-96 Mix '97 - 2nd Part or Mix96.
MNSTLURE.ZIP 257,524 10-01-96 Monster Lure and Nail Bomb.
MOONBASE.ZIP 518,384 10-09-96 Moonbase.
MR_WIZ~1.ZIP 20,822 11-20-96 Mr. Wiznut - A wizard in Mr. Peanuts
MULTIW.ZIP 328,803 10-01-96 Multiweapon Mod.
MUNY01.ZIP 32,824 11-11-96 Muny 1 - Deathmatch Only Map. Best with 2
or 3 players. There is no Exit in this
MUNY02.ZIP 42,744 11-11-96 Muny 2 - Deathmatch Only Map. Best with 4
players. There is no Exit in this level.
MUNY03.ZIP 70,143 11-11-96 Muny 3 - Deathmatch Only Map. Best with 4
players. There is no Exit in this level.
NRR1.ZIP 598,070 12-22-96 Revenge v1.0. Big(Ish) base level
designed specifically with Deathmatch in
mind. Platforms, weapons and more
OOZDM5.ZIP 118,002 10-14-96 Deathmatch Demo.
OPTIMUS.ZIP 15,807 11-20-96 Optimus prime skin replacement for player.
ORACLE.ZIP 33,159 11-20-96 The Oracle.
PALCNVRT.ZIP 9,524 10-08-96 Palette Converter v1.0.
PAT1.ZIP 96,419 11-20-96 Pat1-The Island of Hell.
PENTAMAD.ZIP 59,783 11-26-96 Pentagon Madness.
PENTAMID.ZIP 436,440 12-07-96 Pentamid - Medium Sized dm Level. 3-Level
Pyramid-type structure that offers lots
of fragging opportunities.
PISTOL13.ZIP 127,815 11-20-96 Pistol v1.3. Contains a pistol with
pistol firing sound. It is your main
weapon and replaces the shotgun. The
shotgun and the super shotgun are both
found under number 3.
PLATS.ZIP 134,735 11-26-96 Platforms of Death.
POUNDER.ZIP 152,308 11-03-96 Pounder. Deathmatch map.
POWARMOR.ZIP 142,296 11-14-96 Power Armor. Powered Armor Patch.
PPDM1.ZIP 153,047 10-17-96 Small deathmatch level. A lift, many
teleporters and a switch to make your
opponents (or your teammates) take a bath
in well heated lava (go visit the Volcano
PPDM2.ZIP 163,812 11-03-96 Small deathmatch level including a *very*
fast indtunnel, lifts and enough ammo for
all. This level plays best with the
deathmatch 2 setting.
PROG106A.ZIP 125,673 11-20-96 Quake v1.06 fish bug fix.
PROJ1_91.ZIP 706,425 11-11-96 Quake Project1 v0.91.
PSYKO10C.ZIP 140,527 11-20-96 Psyko Gibber.
PUPIK.ZIP 616,842 11-13-96 Da god damned skull. Deathmatch level.
Like a fortress protected by a cool
battlement with a moat which has a boat
and there's almost everything that a
level can possibly have!
QBSP_2.ZIP 162,740 10-01-96 Code Linux Machine (1.3.89) Includes:
QBsp, Light, vis, bspinfo, entmap.
QCANNON1.ZIP 232,658 10-23-96 QuakeCannon. So you're minding your own
business, doin' your thing, when
suddenly, you see -- a rocket launcher!
QCIDE060.ZIP 54,156 10-04-96 Quake C - Integrated Development
Environment Beta. Ide for developing
Quakec patches. All you ever need for
editing and switching between the various
.Qc files of Quake.
QKRMOD1.ZIP 677,669 12-24-96 Quaker Server Modification.
QLV12.ZIP 14,700 10-14-96 The Quake Launcher v1.2.
QMAP20B4.ZIP 300,292 10-06-96 Quakemap v2.0 Beta 4th Release.
Pre-version of Quakemap 2.0, A Level/
Patch/ etc. editor.
QSPAM085.ZIP 133,152 11-20-96 Find the Spam! v0.85.
QSPAWN_H.ZIP 96,214 10-14-96 QSpawn.
QTALK.ZIP 240,435 10-14-96 Talk.
QWDED106.ZIP 218,235 10-04-96 Unsupported release of a native Win32 X86
Quake dedicated server.
Q_UNLAG1.ZIP 325,086 11-14-96 Quake unleashed aggression 1. Deathmatch
RAD_T05B.ZIP 460,159 10-21-96 Thred v0.5B for Win 95/NT. The Quake
RAPFIRE2.ZIP 182,193 11-19-96 Rapid fire shotgun II. This weapon is for
those players who are getting their butts
kicked and they just can't take it
anymore. This weapon is an improvement
over the first Rapid Fire Shotgun. This
model has a muzzle flash and also ejects
REAPRB81.ZIP 165,160 11-17-96 The Reaper Bot.
REAPRSKN.ZIP 385,374 12-07-96 Reaper Bot Skins. Replacement file to
allow 16 different colored player. Run
around fragging each other.
REAPR_SK.ZIP 388,755 11-26-96 Reaper Bot Skins.
REDPIT.ZIP 151,311 11-14-96 Redpit. DM Level aimed at 4-8 player
games, challenging, see if you have the
guts to get the quad.
ROBOT100.ZIP 112,706 12-24-96 Robot Skin v1.0. .Mdl replacement for the
default Player.Mdl. The Quakebot's get a
bit of spicing up.
RONZO1.ZIP 155,558 11-19-96 Ronzo1 - Map designed to be played DM2,
so the weapons stay put, thus the lack of
ammo and health.
SACRIFCE.ZIP 174,492 11-04-96 Remember how id told us you would be able
to sacrifice the heads of your enemies to
the Gods? Well, now you can with this
amazing patch.
SATANDEN.ZIP 320,256 12-07-96 Satan's Den. Full Quake Map.
SHADOW.ZIP 36,007 10-14-96 Mysterious Shadows.
SHIELDS1.ZIP 3,497 12-25-96 Shields v1.0. Hack on Combat.qc to add
shields down cells when you take damage.
SHINING.ZIP 234,769 11-26-96 The Shining.
SHOCKAB.ZIP 112,940 10-17-96 Shocka Ammo. New grenade / rocket type.
Using "impulse 12" (linked to "9" in
config.cfg) switches the grenades /
rockets used by the grenade / rocket
launcher between normal and Shocka's.
When exploding, the Shocka's blast away
all enemies.
SHUBFIX.ZIP 3,444 11-24-96 Small patch that replaces what you are
doing when youpPop out of Shub at the end
of the game. Much nicer than the original.
SIEGE.ZIP 168,104 10-09-96 Seige. TeamFortress Quake Map.
SOULSWP1.ZIP 132,912 10-28-96 Soul Swapper.
SPCERNGR.ZIP 115,939 11-10-96 Space Ranger Skin.
SPRGEN.ZIP 60,844 10-22-96 The Quake Sprite Generator.
STORM1.ZIP 128,064 11-03-96 Storm. TeamFortress v1.3 Quake Map.
SWBOT103.ZIP 647,968 11-17-96 Swimming Bot (Swimbot) Revision 1.03
Improves Single Player Bot.
SWBOT104.ZIP 148,080 11-24-96 Swimming Bot (Swimbot). Changes Since
V1.03: Updated for Quake 1.06. Can now
have up to four single player Bots.
TATTOO1.ZIP 314,994 11-20-96 Tattoo's First Quake Level. Small to
medium deathmatch level only. Has 4 good
sized rooms, and a hallway. Plenty of
room to run around in. I put 20
deathmatch starts in it just so you
didn't come out at the same spot all the
TF1_21PR.ZIP 185,264 11-04-96 Teamfortress Quake v1.21. Multiple Player
Classes with advanced team options, new
weapons, items, rules, advanced map
support, etc.
THEMILL.ZIP 109,329 11-20-96 Welcome to The Mill.
TITEROPE.ZIP 79,823 10-09-96 Tightrope. Compact single player level
with good kill potential. Kill stuff,
keys, stay alive & get out. You
know...the usual...
TMSKIN10.ZIP 113,502 11-19-96 The Fair Team Skin - Id's player skin
makes it hard to tell what team a person
is on from the front, and that adds a
needless complication to team games.
Here's a replacement for the player skin
which addresses this problem.
TREES.ZIP 7,971 11-03-96 Trees. Cool trees, combat fire can not
penetrate, for realism, etc.
UHOLE.ZIP 37,749 11-24-96 Impulse 100. Will fire off a little ball
that disappears.
ULTQSRC.ZIP 180,530 11-26-96 Ultimate Quake source code. This reflects
some minor bug fixes since the first
UQV3FIX1.ZIP 1,501,498 11-20-96 Ultimate Quake.
VAULT.ZIP 406,058 10-23-96 The Vault. Three round rooms and one
lofty room with various paths in between.
Teleports and Lifts included along with
some nice architecture.
VISTIME.ZIP 196,167 10-02-96 Leet Vis. Time Testing Version.
VITAL.ZIP 217,450 10-23-96 Vital Signs. Compact 2 player Quakematch
level. Plenty of frags every minute,
WILBUR1.ZIP 731,688 11-11-96 Wilbur's Mod.
XSOLDR02.ZIP 6,341 10-14-96 Xsoldier v2.0.